Thursday, February 26, 2009

I call upon the guts of ISLAS to properly defenestrate the dictators IMMEDIATELY! Like...NOW!

"You, Ms. Roorda, are in contempt of court."


If she is defying you, it's for a good reason! Why shouldn't she defy the greatest examples of dictators I've ever properly known in my life?

"I may be a wretched hideous creature, but I do NOT have a big ego! Never has there been as humble a fellow as I!"


That just proves how big it is, Mr. Proud.

"Your statements are lies, vile lies, straight from the pit of you-know-where."


Prove it. Give us a link to a good statement by Han herself proving it.

"You are pronounced Guilty on all counts. Our edicts work retroactively. There can be no new moral law, so we are merely restating the primeval platitudes."


What about the defense? How about somebody is allowed to try to defend the tried, eh?

"Especially the stalking. I mean, it's one thing to know my riser position in a choir if I'd told you, but for you to come upon this knowledge independently is certainly on the creepy side."


What if somebody else told her, eh? This is the most ridiculous statement I've heard so far on the Roorda case ever.

"Are you insulting my parents? That is an insult to me, my courtroom, my parents (obviously), and the President, as he loves my mom's cooking."


You take thing to be insults way too much. Quit being so touchy.

The sentence of Fate Worse Than Death on Hannah Roorda and Noah Bertilson.

(It has been noted that it sounds, at the climax of this, like I say "spiritual protection on her cornea". That should hear, "spiritual projection on her cornea".)"

I may not have listened to your undoubtedly very merciful speech, but I'm sure it was absolutely not worth the time, for me and for you. Your prosecutions are just like you just saying "Off with his/her head!" If you're going to continue this, you might as well turn this into a monarchy, unless you're going to play by the rules. And if you turn it into a kingdom, I'm sure everybody on ISLAS will be as happy as ever.

How about we just defenestrate this lot?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New prosecution by Mark DenHoed, Judge and Prosecuting Attorney

"Docket # 234094: Hannah "Roorda"

You are accused of violating, first and foremost, edict 3.14F (D), for which the punishment is capital. As you are the executioner, I regret that you may have to train a substitute to serve at your execution, should you be found guilty.

The lesser charges against you include commenting on my facebook enough to draw comment from my parents and stalking me via the same social network."

~Mark DenHoed, Judge and Prosecutor

First, what's the point of giving a charge when we don't have an explanation of the charges? Yet again, Mark has proven his inability to be a Judge and Prosecuting Attorney, by providing no argument for the said charge (first one), or any reason for us to believe him. I suggest giving a bit of proof of it --and I mean sound-- proof that she deserves said charges.

And concerning the other prosecution (of Mr. Bertilson), he still hasn't offered any proof of the charges against Mr. Bertilson. He's just announced that he's come to a verdict of guilty on all charges, with no argument for the charges, and no defense, either. I suggest that he learn how to properly prosecute. All Mr. Bertilson got a chance to do is give a few comments on the charges, and then Mr. DenHoed came to the verdict. How about a few defense attorneys, eh?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Idiocy of Islas President John Ahern Appalling

Some things the President does nowadays are making me think that he only has the brain the size of an anti-neutron. And that, if you didn't know, is extremely small.

Yesterday, one of his right-hand men, newly appointed Judge and Prosecuting Attorney, has began a prosecution against my brother for some of the most sloppy -- and some even just alleged -- charges I've ever heard in my life.
  • Being a fan of Open Source Software (which I admit I am myself) is no crime, and speaking about it in public is no crime either. Mark, if you're going to prosecute him, at least come up with some good reasoning. And not being in the Firefox dictionary is a ridiculous charge, if it can be called one at all.
  • Second, he accused Noah of overuse of certain phrases currently unmentioned in the laws of Islas. (At least, if they are there, they need to be abolished immediately...)
  • Thirdly, he accused the prosecuted of "allegedly attempted to do something having to do with the president and marriage or something," which is grounded on no facts whatsoever, and otherwise, the statement sounds absolutely ridiculous on the whole, anyway.
Some advice to Mark: Think before you try to get your prosecutions going. And accuse somebody with better charges. And I could include you in the list of people that would be good. One of the charges would, by popular vote, undoubtedly be "abuse of power."